2004, Year of Dali Barcelona, City of Shopping & Design Apartments for rent in barcelona
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We request personal information on the booking form. A user must provide contact information (such as name, e-mail, passport number and address) and in some cases financial information (such as credit card number, expiration date). This information is used for billing purposes and to fill customer's requests. If we have trouble processing a booking, the information is used to contact the user. No financial or payment information is shared with any other party. All credit card processing is done by discoveringbarcelona.com.

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Due to the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) system installed on our site, your credit card information – if you choose payment by credit card – can be transferred to us via internet without being viewed by any outside sources. The Secure Sockets Layer is also used by the American Secret Service. It represents an encrypted link between our server and your browser, which ensures that all communication between your and our system will remain confidential.