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Information on Barcelona

Accidents: If you're involved in a road accident call the Guardia Urbana tel 933 526 161 or tel 112 (for emergency services).

Airlines: Air France tel 901 112 266; British Airways tel 932 156 900 or for reservations tel 902 132 132; Iberia tel 902 400 500; Swissair tel 932 159 100; Virgin Express tel 932 266 671.

Airport El Prat de Llobregat: tel 902 400 500 for all information. The airport is due to expand over the next few years, possibly to accommodate a high-speed AVE rail link with Madrid and France. The two passenger terminals, A and B, are, in fact, one large connected terminal, B serving check-in for Iberia and its One World partners, and much smaller A serving everyone else.
Ambulance Dial 061

American Express The office is at Pg de Gràcia 101 tel 932 170 070; Metro Diagonal; Mon-Fri 9.30am-6pm, Sat 10am-noon. There's also an Amex cash machine at the airport.

Banks and exchange Main bank branches are in Pl de Catalunya and Passeig de Gràcia. El Corte Inglés department store, in Pl de Catalunya, and American Express (see above) also have efficient exchange facilities which offer competitive rates and do not charge commission. One bank with extended hours is La Caixa, Pl de Catalunya (Mon-Fri 8.15am-2pm; Oct-June also Thurs 4.30-7.45pm). Banco de Santander in c/de Ferran (corner Pl de Sant Jaume), and Caja de Madrid in Pl de Catalunya both have automatic money exchanges, which accept British paper currency. For buying non-Spanish currency when you're leaving the country, try Banco Popular, Pg de Gràcia 17, or branches of La Caixa.
Exchange offices

Airport (daily 7.30am-10.45pm).
El Corte Inglés, Pl de Catalunya (Mon-Sat 10am-9.30pm).
Sants Estació (daily 8am-10pm).

Tourist office, Pl de Catalunya 17 (daily 9am-9pm).

Foreign banks : Bank of America, c/Bori i Fontesta 23.
Barclays, Pg de Gràcia 45; Ronda Universitat 27; Avda Diagonal 419.
Chase Manhattan, Pg de Gràcia 60.
Citibank, c/d'Aribau 162.
Lloyds, Rambla de Catalunya 123; Avda Diagonal 601; c/Calvet 16-22.
Midland, Avda Diagonal 427.
NatWest, Pg de Gràcia 8-10.

Bike rental Pedal bikes and motorbikes: Biciclot, c/Sant Joan de Malta 1 tel 933 077 475; Los Filicletos, Pg de Picasso 38 tel 933 197 885; Scenic, c/Marina 22 tel 932 211 666; Icària Sports, Avda Icària 180 tel 932 211 778; Un Cotxe Menys, c/Esparteria 3 tel 932 682 105. The latter also organizes bicycle tours of Barcelona. Die-hard cyclists can find fellow enthusiasts through the Federació Catalana de Ciclisme on c/Fontanella 11 (tel 933 012 444), or Amics de la Bici, c/ Demóstenes 19 (tel & fax 933 394 060, ).

Buses For buses to almost all destinations, go to the Estació del Nord tel 932 656 508 (7am-9pm info line) on Avda Vilanova (Metro Arc de Triomf). Some buses leave also (or only) from the smaller station behind Sants Estació at Pl Joan Peiró tel 934 904 405. Note that on many routes, ticket prices go up if you travel Fri-Sun or on a public holiday. When leaving , it's a good idea to reserve a seat in advance on the popular long-distance routes - the day before is usually fine.

Car repairs Try Roque, c/Padilla 285 (tel 934 352 266; Mon-Fri 9am-1.30pm & 3.30-7pm, Sat 9am-1pm & 3-7pm, Sun 10am-1pm) or Tallers Lumont, Avda de Roma, 43 (tel 933 210 954; daily 24 hours a day). Small independent mechanics are scattered about the city, look for a "taller" sign

Consulates Most foreign consulates in Barcelona are open to the public for enquiries Mon-Fri only, usually from 9am-1pm and 3-5pm, though the morning shift is the most reliable.
Australia, Gran Via Carles III 98 tel 933 309 496; Belgium, c/de la Diputació 303 tel 934 677 080; Britain, Avda Diagonal 477 tel 934 199 044; Canada, c/Elisenda de Pinós 10 tel 932 042 700; Denmark, Rambla de Catalunya 33 tel 934 480 222; Finland, c/Puig i Xoriguer 17 tel 934 431 598; France, Rambla de Catalunya 59 tel 932 703 000; Germany, Pg de Gràcia 111 tel 932 921 000; Ireland, Gran Via Carles III 94 tel 934 915 021; Italy, c/Mallorca 270 tel 934 677 305; Japan, Avda Diagonal 662-664 tel 932 803 433; Netherlands, Avda Diagonal 601 tel 934 106 210; New Zealand, Trav de Gràcia 64 tel 932 090 399; Norway, c/Balmes 184 tel 932 184 983; Portugal, Ronda Sant Pere 7 tel 933 188 150; Sweden, c/Mallorca 279 tel 934 882 501; USA, Pg de la Reina Elisenda 23 tel 932 802 227.

Credit cards To cancel lost or stolen credit cards, call the following numbers in Madrid:
Access/MasterCard tel 915 192 100.
American Express tel 915 720 303.
Diners Club tel 915 474 000.
Visa tel 913 512 512.

Cultural institutes The British Council, at c/Amigó 83 tel 932 096 090 or 934 146 888, has an English-language library, lists of language schools and a good notice board advertising lessons and accommodation. The North American Institute, Via Augusta 123 (tel 932 405 110; FGC Plaça Molina), has newspapers, magazines and a reference library.

Customs British travellers returning home from Spain, can effectively take back as much duty-paid wine or beer as they can carry (the legal limits being 90 litres of wine or 110 litres of beer). Restrictions applying to tax- or duty-free goods for EU residents are 200 cigarettes, one litre of spirits and five litres of wine; for non-EU residents the allowances are usually 200 cigarettes, one litre of spirits and two litres of wine. Residents of the USA and Canada can take up to 200 cigarettes and one litre of alcohol back home, as can Australian citizens, while New Zealanders are allowed 200 cigarettes, 4.5 litres of beer or wine, and just over one litre of spirits. If in doubt, consult your embassy.
Dentists Dentists are all private - you'll pay around 36 for filling a cavity. For an English-speaking dentist, contact the practices at Rambla de Catalunya 44 (tel 932 160 321) or Pg Bonanova 63 (tel 932 122 073). Another practice is at c/Casanova 59-61 (junction with c/de la Diputació; tel 934 545 403). For dental emergencies phone 934 159 922.
Departure tax There's no departure tax leaving Barcelona.
Doctor For an emergency doctor call 061 or go to the emergency department of Hospital Clinic (see "Hospitals"). Doctors rarely make house calls.
Emergency services tel 112. Operators at this number can handle fire, medical and police emergencies.

Ferries Departures to the Balearics are from the Estació Marítima (tel 933 012 598; Metro Drassanes) at the bottom of the Ramblas. Buy tickets here at the Trasmediterránea office (tel 932 454 645, ) for Palma de Mallorca, Mahó and Eivissa. Umifasa (tel 902 191 066) also runs a service to Eivissa and Formentera, while Navi Gran Veloci (tel 934 439 898, pasaje.bcn@amcondeminas.com ) serves Genoa, Italy. The ferries get very crowded in July and August - book ahead.

Fire brigade tel 080 or 112

Health EU countries have reciprocal health agreements with Spain; British and other EU citizens need form E111, available from main post offices. No inoculations are required for Spain

Hospitals Ciutat Sanitària Vall d'Hebron Pg. Vall d'Hebron, 119-129 tel 934 183 400, Metro Vall d'Hebron; Hospital Clinic, c/Villaroel 170 tel 934 546 000, Metro Hospital Clinic; Centro Diagnostic Malaltiès Sexuales (Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinic), Avda Drassanes 17-19 tel 933 294 495, Metro Drassanes. Hospital de San Pau (c/Sant Antoni María Claret 167 tel 932 919 191; Metro San Pau), is a public hospital which accepts the E111 (see "Health" above) and which also has an AIDS department. If you need special medical attention or treatment, your first stop should be Barcelona Centre Médico (Avda Diagonal 612, 2º-14, tel 934 140 643, 24hr tel 639 303 464, ; Metro Diagonal), which co-ordinates some seventeen specialist clinics in the city.

Information tel 010. The city's English-language information line can answer just about any question about Barcelona. The Generalitat now has a similar service at 012.

Internet cafés In the last few years the internet has exploded in Barcelona. Many bars geared to younger crowds have terminals, and cybercafés and other access points now abound. Competition means that prices have been driven down to around 1.80 per hour. Some options include Easy Everything (Ronda Universitat 35, Metro Catalunya; La Rambla 31, Metro Liceu; both open 24hrs); idea ; El Café de Internet , Gran Via 656, Metro Plaça Tetuan (Mon-Thurs 10am-midnight, Fri & Sat 10am-2am); Insòlit , Maremàgnum, Metro Drassanes (daily 1pm-1am); but a stroll down La Rambla will reveal a parade of hoardings touting other locales.

Language schools The cheapest Spanish classes in Barcelona are at the Escola Oficial d'Idiomes, Avda Drassanes (tel 933 292 458), where a lottery system is in force - line up at the beginning of term (Sept and Jan) for a ticket, then see if you've won a place to sit the assessment exam. Expect big queues. Or try International House, c/Trafalgar 14 (tel 932 680 239, ; Metro Urquinaona). The Generalitat offers low-cost Catalan classes to Spaniards and foreigners through the Centre per a la Normalització Lingüística, c/Quintana 11 (tel 934 127 224; Metro Liceu). Language courses are also offered at most Spanish universities; contact Barcelona University at Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes 585 (tel 933 189 926), or write to the nearest Spanish Institute in your home country.

Laundries Self-service launderettes ( lavanderías automáticas ) are rare - you normally have to leave your clothes for the full works (usually around 7.30). Try Martin, c/Carme 65 (10am-2pm & 4-8pm) off the Ramblas - and have a coffee or drink next door in the old neighbourhood bar, Muy Buenas (happy hour 8-10pm), while you wait. Note that by a law much ignored in the old city you're forbidden from leaving laundry hanging out of windows over a street, and some hostales can get shirty if you're found doing excessive washing in your bedroom sink. A dry-cleaner is a tintorería .

Left-luggage At Sants Estació the consigna is open daily from 4am-midnight and costs 2.40-3.60 a day. There are lockers at the Estació de França, Passeig de Gràcia and the Estació del Nord for 2.40 (all 6am-11.30pm).

Library The Biblioteca Nacional de Catalunya, at c/de l'Hospital 56, is next to the Hospital de la Santa Creu (Mon-Fri 9am-8pm, Sat 9am-2pm) - you will only be able to enter this with a letter of academic reference, however there is a biblioteca popular (a public library) in the same building. Barcelona University's Philology library at Gran Via 585 (Mon-Fri 8am-8.30pm; Oct-June also Sat 9am-2pm) is open to the public.

Lost property If you lose anything, try the Ajuntament ( objectes perduts ) in c/de la Ciutat 9 (Mon-Fri 9.30am-1.30pm; tel 934 023 161), or the transport office in the metro in Plaça Universitat, but you'll be lucky to get it back.

Massage For a quick massage after a heavy afternoon's shopping, try Masajes Mil, c/Mallorca 233 tel 932 158 585; Metro Passeig de Gràcia; daily including hols 7am-midnight; 6 for ten minutes, no appointment required.

Newspapers You can buy foreign newspapers at the stalls down the Ramblas, around Pl de Catalunya and at Sants Estació, as well as at major bookstores and in larger hotels. The same stalls also sell an impressive array of international magazines and trade papers.

Notice boards For apartment-sharing, www.living-barcelona.com, lifts, lessons and other services, check the notice boards at the cultural institutes; at International House (c/Trafalgar 14); at the university (in the main building; take door on far left and, inside, bear left and then right); at Escola Oficial d'Idiomes (see "Language schools"); at Llibreria de Dones Prolèg and Ca la Dona (see "Women's Barcelona"), and the bookshop Cómplices.

Pharmacies For minor health complaints look for the green cross of a farmàcia , where highly trained staff can give advice (often in English), and are able to dispense many drugs available only on prescription in other countries. Usual hours are 9am-1pm & 4-8pm; phone 010 for information on those open out of hours. A list of these can also be found in the window of each chemist's shop. For emergencies, see "Hospitals".

Police The main police station is at Via Laietana 49 (tel 932 903 000) where there is also a department for women who've suffered violent crime. The tourist police - the Centro Atencíon Policial - are at Rambla 43 (open 24hr in summer; tel 933 019 060). If you are the victim of robbery you will have to go to the Comisaría Drassanes of the Policía Nacional in c/Nou de la Rambla, 62 - keep a copy of the report for your insurance claim. The various police bodies in the city can be contacted on the following numbers: Guàrdia Civil tel 062; Policía Nacional tel 091; Guàrdia Urbana tel 092.

Post office The main post office ( Correus ) in Barcelona is at Pl d'Antoni López, facing the water at the end of Pg de Colom (Mon-Sat 8am-8pm). Poste restante ( llista de correus ) is at window 17 (Mon-Fri 9am-8pm, Sat 9am-2pm). There is another post office at c/Aragó 282 (Mon-Fri 8am-9pm, Sat 9am-2am). Each city neighbourhood also has its own post office, though these have far less-comprehensive opening hours and services.

There's a branch of Amnesty International at c/Alfons XII 19-21 tel 932 093 536, and Greenpeace at c/Pelai 32 tel 932 187 749. SOS Racisme is an anti-racist organization at c/Escudellers Blancs 12 tel 933 010 597.

Residence permits In Barcelona, residence permits for EU nationals are issued by the Servicio de Extranjeros at Avda Marqués de l'Argentera 4 (Mon-Fri 9am-1pm; tel 934 820 544 or 934 820 530) - line up before 9am. You will be required to show a Spanish bank statement in your name, typically with a balance of more or less 4200.

Telephone information tel 1003 (general) or tel 008 (international).

Travel agencies General travel agencies are found on the Gran Vía, Pg de Gràcia, Vía Laietana and the Ramblas. For specific deals try: Julia Tours, Pl Universitat 12 (tel 933 176 454 or 933 176 209) for city tours, Catalunya holidays and trips; for deals (including student specials) on flights, the best places are Viatgi, Ronda Universitat 1 (tel 933 011 629, viatgi@grupoeuropa.com ) or, if you can brave the hours-long queues, Usit, Ronda Universitat 16 (tel 934 120 104; ); for youth train tickets head to Wasteels, inside Sants Estació.

Vaccination centres Go to Avda Drassanes 17-21 tel 934 430 507, or Institut Municipal de la Salut, Pl Lesseps 1 (tel 934 150 066).

Women's Barcelona The most useful contact address in the city is Ca la Dona, c/Caspe 38 (tel 934 127 161; Metro Urquinaona; Mon-Thurs 10am-2pm & 4-8pm), a women's centre used for meetings of over twenty feminist and lesbian organizations; information available to callers. There's also La Illa, c/Reig i Bonet 3, Gràcia (tel 932 100 062; 7.30pm-1am, later at weekends; Metro Fontana), a women's bar and cultural centre. The official Institut Català de la Dona has an information office at c/ Portaferrissa 1 (tel 933 179 291; Mon-Fri 10am-2pm & 5-7pm). For bookshops specializing in women's issues, try Llibreria de Dones Pròleg, c/Dagueria 13, Barri Gòtic tel 933 192 425 (Metro Jaume I; Mon 5-8pm, Tues-Fri 10am-2pm & 5-8pm, Sat 11am-2pm & 5-8pm), and The Book Store, c/la Granja 13 tel 932 379 519 (Metro Lesseps; Mon-Sat 11am-1.30pm & 2.30-7pm; closed Mon in Aug).

Worship St George's Church, c/Horaci 38 tel 934 178 867, off Pg de la Bonanova, buses #75, #64 and #22, has English-speaking Anglican services on Sun 11am, and 1st Mon of month 8pm. Santa María Reina Church, Carretera d'Esplugues 103 tel 932 034 115, buses #75, #114 and #63, has Catholic Mass in English Sun 10am. The synagogue - Sinagoga Comunitat Israelita - is at c/Avenir 24, Gràcia tel 932 006 148, FGC Muntaner, and hosts lots of youth group activities. Be warned that security is tight at the synagogue: take your passport. The Centro Islamico, Avda Meridiana 326 tel 933 514 901, Metro Sagrera incorporates a mosque, and an education centre that's happy to provide information on aspects of Muslim life in Barcelona.

Youth information There's a youth information office at c/Ferran 32 (tel 934 027 800 or 934 027 801; Mon-Fri 10am-2pm & 4-8pm), with city information and advice, a library and English speakers. ISIC and hostel cards at Representació Territorial de la Joventut, c/ Calàbria 147 (Mon-Fri 9am-1pm & 4-5.30pm; tel 934 838 383).


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